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Why Acuity is the Best Calendar

6 Jul


Looking for an online booking tool for your creative business?  Look no further than Acuity Scheduling, a mighty scheduling software that won’t break the bank.

What is Acuity Scheduling?

To put it simply, Acuity Scheduling is your new best friend if you’re a solopreneur or small biz owner that needs a better way to keep their calendar from going off the rails.

Acuity Scheduling will keep your calendar synchronized and purring, your correspondence with scheduled clients timely, and offers your clients the ability to easily schedule, reschedule, cancel, and subscribe to your meetings or classes without human interaction.

You can make meetings public or private, making custom calendars for key clients a snap to set-up.  You can create a series of custom e-mail messages to guide your clients from appointment confirmation to leaving you a review after your session.

You can event embed Acuity Scheduling into your website!

Or you can turn your custom Acuity Scheduling into a straight-up landing page.

Is Acuity Scheduling Good for Creative Business Owners?

Acuity Scheduling is an awesome solution if you schedule these kinds of meetings, online and off:

  • Discovery Calls for prospective clients
  • One-on-One Sessions
  • Studio Visits
  • Coffee Dates
  • Phone Meetings with collaborators and contractors

You can embed your Acuity Scheduling into a website, or share the direct link for folks to book space on your calendar.

How Much Does Acuity Cost?

Acuity Scheduling doesn’t break the bank at all. First, they offer a 7 day free trial to make sure it’s the right scheduler for you. The free version works well for many, but I reccomend the Emerging or Growing plans for increased functionality (of course, depending on your needs!). You can check out the full pricing chart for Acuity here.

Does Acuity Replace a Virtual Assistant for Calendar Management?

Yes and no.  Acuity Scheduling is an affordable solution to have your calendar “managed” for you after setting up your available services, payment gateways, and appointment availability.  Acuity Scheduling connects to your Google Calendars to ensure that you do not overbook yourself should you schedule other events or meetings outside of Acuity.  You will still need to set up the workflow for each appointment type to move your client through the scheduling process, but Acuity’s documentation and customer support can help you get set up in a snap.

Even though booking an appointment through Acuity Scheduling is easy-peasy, some clients may still prefer to go through a human to schedule a meeting.  Even if a few clients need a little extra attention, it still is going to save you serious time and money to use Acuity Scheduling as your main calendar manager.

Acuity Scheduling presents a smoother and more streamlined approach to getting clients on the calendar and paid ahead of time.

Acuity versus Dubsado

Dubsado is a fantastic customer relationship management software that recently received a brand makeover and a much-anticipated new feature:  The Dubsado Scheduler.  I’ll admit that I clunked around the new Scheduler Dashboard when setting up my first scheduler template (“Rolling Window what?”).

The Dubsado Scheduler allows you to pad time before and after meetings, secure a deposit using Dubsado’s Invoice feature, and customize Confirmation Messages, similar to Acuity Scheduling.   If you are using Dubsado’s proposal, contract, and invoicing features in harmony, the Scheduler will be a natural fit into your existing Dubsado workflow.

Acuity Scheduling shines as a standalone appointment scheduling software with a robust suite of customization options, payment integrations, and ease of adding varied levels of availability based on appointment type.  It integrates beautifully into exterior CRMs, and you can utilize a range of Zapier Zaps for even more functionality.

Which Calendar and Booking System Do You Use?